Adventure Aviation


Fighter Jets

Fighter is based in Tauranga and operates the Aerovodochody L-39C.

ASMS was involved in the initial certification of Fighter, project-managing the application process and developing the exposition for the operation.

Ballooning Canterbury

Ballooning Canterbury is a hot air balloon operator based in Hororata, Canterbury. Ballooning Canterbury operates 3 balloons of different sizes, enabling groups from 2-30 passengers to be flown at a time. Ballooning Canterbury is also the only hot air balloon operator in New Zealand licensed for parachute jump operations.

Our involvement with Ballooning Canterbury includes: Photo: Cameron Balloons Z-275, ZK-OAK, courtesy of Ballooning Canterbury. Photo credit McCaw Media.

Strikemaster Ltd

Strikemaster Ltd is based at Ardmore Aerodrome in Auckland and operates the P-51D Mustang ZK-TAF, and Harvard ZK-WAR.

Special Bulletin: Farewell to Strikemasters NZ6362 and NZ6370

Our involvement with Strikemaster Ltd includes: In 2013, Strikemaster received the CAA Director's award for an Organisation. We are also booking agents for Strikemaster Ltd. Contact Heather to book a flight in any of the following aircraft:
  • P51-D Mustang
  • North American Harvard

Photo: ZK-STR, courtesy of Strikemaster Ltd.

Warbird Adventure Rides Ltd

Warbird Adventure Rides Ltd (WARL) is based at Ardmore Aerodrome in Auckland and operates the P-40N Kittyhawk ZK-CAG, the Spitfire ZK-WDQ, and Harvard ZK-TVI.

ASMS was involved in the initial certification of WARL, project-managing the application process and developing the exposition for WARL’s operation.

Photo: The P-40N Kittyhawk, ZK-CAG. Photo courtesy of Classic Aircraft Photography.

Exposition Update Service

We can update your exposition manuals as changes are required, whether those changes are big or small, and manage the interaction with CAA. Examples include:
  • Addition of new aircraft for Strikemaster Ltd
  • Addition of new balloons for Ballooning Canterbury
  • Change of Senior People