Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Licensing
Under the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017 (still currently a Bill before parliament), a licence or permit will be required for:
- Launching a launch vehicle (rocket) into space;
- Launching or operating a payload (satellite);
- Launching a High Altitude Vehicle (HAV) such as a balloon above controlled airspace;
- Operating a launch facility.
Talk to us about how ASMS can help prepare your licence or permit application. We have years of experience gained in applications under the parallel civil aviation regulatory regime.
Note that many High Altitude Vehicles will be classified as aircraft under the Civil Aviation Act 1990, and will require authorisations by both the New Zealand Space Agency and the Civil Aviation Authority. ASMS’s experience with certification within the civil aviation regime, and particularly with unmanned aircraft, can help smooth the path to dual licensing and certification.